<Arthurian Shield> page
<Arthurian Shield> album page


Bow to me. Merlin I have your soul in my hand
The ancient spell from the past has lost all of its power
Give me the sword which once was mine
The sacred blade from the lady of the lake
You must help me Merlin
I have come back to take what is mine

Through winds of bitter cold I rode the dragon's breath
On to Tintagel to seduce and rape Igraine
Gorlios will be killed before sunrise
I will now Igraine and your land

You made a pact with me Merlin
Under a moonlit sky
Your staff glew with fire
My wishes are your command

As I fought in faraway lands
You came and stole my infant son
Ripped from Igraine's womb
Merlin! Give me my son
The water on the lake is cold
lady of the lake you pay no heed
To avenge the sorcerer Merlin

Far atop the misty you slept for nine moons
Now I fight the battle of the red and white dragon
My beloved Igraine will watch me die
As I am burned alive by the red dragon

The past is now gone forever
Trust me Merlin I will return
Riding on the wings of the white dragon
The flames from your staff are no match for me

Merlin! Burn!
Far across the sea I watched Igraine travel to Avalon

Now that all has been taken from me
I will roam the land all alone
Merlin you will never control me again
I will never sit upon my throne
And without my sword I am nothing
But eternal as the fallen snow

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