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Death Of Uther Pendragon

Ride! Change! Transform! Now!
Uthyr Pendragon chief of thy warriors
forced out the Saxon hordes
They forged an alliance with the duke of Cornwall
The temptation lead to rape of lady Igraine

As Cornwall fought for territory faraway lands
Uthyr was possessed with the desire to have Igraine
They requested help from the wizard Merlin
who cast a spell disguising Uthyr as the Duke
I must have her!

Cornwall was dead and Igrain gave birth to Arthur
The holy child of lust and greed was one day taken by Merlin
Uthyr would never live to see thy bastard child
He was killed by Cornwalls knights with a sword stabbed through his back

One day Uthyr was attached in the forest by Cornwall's knights
Uthyr pleaded for Merlin's help by the wizard paid no heed
Uthyr plunged Excalibur into the ancient stone
Ending glorious days of Britain with a mortal wound
I must be king!

The land was rotting as disease and famine spread
Young men jousted for the right to draw the sword
The battle for Excalibur would never end
Until Arthur pulled out the steel
He was born to wield

Uthyr! Failed thy own destiny
Uthyr! Thy son will exceed thee
Uthyr! You have failed me
Uthyr! You are not the one

Your son shall be king!
Uthyr Pendragon, chielf of nothing!!

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