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London Blitz (feat. Juan Orcajada)

London at night. The stars shine.
I've never felt this chilling fear in my life.
The alarm cries. Time stops.
The Blitz is coming one more time.

An unussual noise. Something ominous is happening.
Hundreds upon hundreds of black birds coming from the distance.
Wave upon wave of German bombers were unleashing the deadly cargo.

For those that could not get shelter.. A long and terrifying night awaits.
The siren's rising and falling in pitch.
All Hell was let lose.
It is a blazing Inferno.

Over five hours of the full terror of concentrated bombing raids.
Hundred of tons of high explosives and incendiary bombs rain down upon the city.
They strike like a beast by night.
A sea of flames.
A vision straight from the Apocalypse.

The Luftwaffe was free to bomb with impunity our beloved city in retaliation to the bombing of Berlin.

Every two minutes We can hear the engines grinding over our heads mixed with the sound of Antiaircraft guns spitting more Hell.
The sky turned orange and huge black clouds of smoke appeared.

The whole horizon is burning.

Firestorms erupted. Crackling, engulfing houses.
Buildings collapsing. It was all black. Lots of dust.
The earth was shaking and our hoples crumbling while We run over the melting asphalt.

For those that could not get shelter.. A long and terrifying night awaits.
Hundreds will never live to see the morning.
Lights went off. Total blackout.
Crushing noises all around.
Another story.. untold.

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