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<At The Going Down Of The Sun> album page

Unto That End

In this state of waking death in dreams,
Where a heartbeat seems as centuries...
For the greatest mind that ever lived has gone beyond the veils of sight
And wanders unfettered by the boundaries of consciousness, of day and night.
The symbol of the eye is sacred to the 12 who lurk below,
One man’s vision - the Godmind - PURE - Against the common foe.

But oh, such dreams of greatness.
And ah, to be revered;
To sit enthroned above the Gods - omnipotent and feared.
Product of a thousand years of war: We held our Grails on high and quaffed from dark forbidden blood. We see the final end in sight and dream of life and death and power and might

When white light came and the winds of death did tear this mortal sway...
A million voices screamed their last, unknown by them: betrayed.
And now the wastelands hold such terrors

For those who were left behind.
Imperfects were rejected
Though some of them survived...
Connected - Bonded - Man and machine
Living out eternity, screaming from within
In the shadow of death and absolute power.
Destined to conquer the weak that cower

Whilst wide-eyed fools question "The Right" of life and death, of power and might.
Destiny-the Children awake for the time for sleeping has passed
With no disillusions, to final solutions contained in their vessels of glass.
But ah, such dreams of greatness - And oh, to be revered
To sit high above the Gods omnipotent and feared.

"...But I am old and more sinned against than sinning
This is not the end - This is only the beginning..
Where future timelines do converge - Something stronger will emerge..."

Revelation to the Enlightened comes the eternal darkness
Remembrance of a time where the flesh was pure.
Above the Gods of men are they, fulfilling one mans dream:
To stand against the Oncoming Storm.

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