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The Infernal Pact

[Chapter III: The Infernal Pact]

What is this? This is not our destination, this is not where we are supposed to be.
What is this? My heart aggressively drums, this is not how I am supposed to feel.

We look ahead and are stunned by the sight of horrendous demons. Thirsting for blood they drool from their snouts and their eyes burn crimson. Like mad hounds they attack, tearing the limbs of my condemned allies. They laugh in dementia as they butchered human flesh.

Terrified, I witnessed this carnage.
The portal has sealed - there is no escape.
All were killed but me, I remained alive, but now the demons are approaching.
Petrified, fearing for my life, whose continuity was theirs to decide.
To my surprise, they did me no harm. One of them grinned and spoke to me:

"Welcome to Hell!
You are to come with us, Atrox summons your presence."

Relieved yet confused I accept and go with them.
They bind my body with chains secured in their grasp.
Assuming positions they spread their immense wings, and creating a gust of wind they ascend to the skies.

From an enormous height I look down to the underworld.
I see islands of basalt and a scorching sea of ever-tortured souls.
In it swims a serpent, a colossal demon of the depths

"I wonder why our master chose to spare you, human fool!
I bet he wishes to take pleasure in killing you himself!"

"No, I am no fool. But, my dear demon, maybe you are. I am certain that my life was spared for I am too valuable and he is too wise. I possess knowledge of the mysterious goddess that Atrox surely craves."

"Silence human! How dare you talk back to an immortal being?
Your fortunes may end as swiftly as they came!"

I was left in the blackest isle, a great infernal fortress where a giant demon sits in a scarlet throne of thorns. A cloaked figure approached me, took my hand, and whispered:

"I know of all your secrets, I know of your forbidden love, and I will shine a ray of hope upon that love. A deal, I propose you, generous both to you and me. Accept my golden offer and your dream will come true. I will grant you power, needed to fight the angels of Dakrea, and a sword which can slay the immortal beings of heaven and hell. In exchange you will be eternally bound to Onkrea. You and your beloved goddess will be kept here forever."

"Though the underworld is a bitter place, the bitterness is annuled by her presence.
I accept the deal, and relinquish my soul to Onkrea."

"Very well. Descend to that lake of black water to seal our pact."

My soul is aflame, incandescent with power, my human weakness, drained away as I embrace darkness and rise from the abyss to receive the wicked sword – Indrayun, the key to my supremacy.

"Now, my newest son, walk this spiritual stairway through the rupture of dimensions,
for it will lead you to Dakrea. I wish you good luck.

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