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It's A Fascist World (Acoustic Grinder)

Agathocles lyrics
Album: Thanks For Your Hostility [1997]
Tracks 26
01 Criminalisation of Strange Behaviour
02 Life Control
03 Until it Bleeds
04 End of the Line
05 Doctor Wished Me
06 Knock Back
07 Thanks for your Hostility
08 Hatred is the Cure
09 Be your own God
10 Distraction
11 Remember
12 Cheers Mankind Cheers
13 Strangulation
14 Foul
15 No Use...Hatred
16 My Reason
17 No One's Right
18 Sheer Neglect
19 Is There a Place ?
20 Go Fucking Nihilist
21 Progress or Stupidity ?
22 Try !
23 He Cared
24 Mankind's not Kind
25 Reduced to an Object
26 Ego-Generosity
all Agathocles lyrics

Criminalisation of Strange Behaviour
Life passes by - in a very short time
expectations of the nation - do the things they want you to.
Criminalisation of strange behaviour - put away or put in jail.
the law of dominant behaviour - democracy's little saviour.back to top
Life Control
Animals infected with diseases, in so called medical research.
Insane humans are obsessional, just consider them bestial.
Man's controlling their lifes, all the sooner the animals die.
Why do people play this kind of game, so brutal, so insane.
Violating - animals rights
Suffering cries,
Insane humans - animals die.back to top
Until it Bleeds
All my energy went to you, but you dumbed me like a fool,
Your face, the place to hit, 'cause you treated me like shit.
This time I'm not gonna cut my wrists, but I'll use my fucking fists.
This time I ain't gonna weep, but knock your face until it bleeds.
Knock your face until it bleeds.back to top
End of the Line
Your fire extinguished like never before,
cause it's a hard line that we draw.
Show you our gang's so much tougher,
'cause we joined to make fakes ones suffer.
If my words can't put out your smoke,
my fists will tell you it's not a joke.
If you don't join us in our walk,
my bat will be the one to talk.
Mirror reflects all that you fear,
following friends that are so dear.
Rejecting all that looks like fun,
enjoy your life before it's over and done.
Forcing people to change their ideals and be like you - end of the line.
Forcing people to change their respect, that's what you lack - end of the line.back to top
Doctor Wished Me
I was put away,
'cause I could not play
this game called system of today.
Doctor wished me best of luck,
told me I'm insane as fuck.back to top
Knock Back

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