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Cycle of Ages

And so, the dark end times of the Kali Yuga came to pass, an age in which mankind’s spiritual connection to the source of creation had become long forgotten. Technological advancements had brought unparalleled prosperity to Atlantis, an obsession for material wealth stripping the earth of its natural resources and a population deeply corrupted by the unseen forces of the shadow kingdom.

And as the spirit of our sacred earth cried out in pain from an age of exploitation, a comet responded from the depths of the cosmos, sent by the forces of karma, a cataclysm that would see Atlantis crash beneath the waves. The second moon, shattered in a misguided attempt to avert the impact using energies far beyond man’s comprehension, a whole civilisation wiped from the face of the earth.

And so, an empire unequalled in its achievements was destroyed by the consequences of its own actions and the earth was left to heal its wounds. The powerful enlightening energies of the incoming Krita Yuga would soon be dawning, with mankind awakened to a new age of wisdom.

The cosmic wheels recalibrate,
energy fields to a new date
A visceral shift for earthly life,
the planet's violent state of strife
Cataclysmic times of change,
manking surviving stage by stage
Forced to adapt and compromise,
more stable times, sparking the rise of
new world cultures in tune with earth
The law of one, given rebirth,
Atlantean masters leading the way,
mankind to new ways of being
Cycles of ages, neverending
The renewal times, feeding
A creative world, evolving
By new high-tech cultures, exploring
Egyptian might, beacon of light,
benevolent and coherent
Global centre, wisdom mentor,
masters of light, aiding our plight
Until their time to leave the earth,
mankind left to dark rebirth
A new dark age, turning the page,
malevolent duality
From other planes the legion's games,
reptilian, living through man,
as parasitic inorganics,
tricking our minds, stealing our souls
The sacrifices never-ending,
our ritual deaths, feeding
The shadow kingdom devouring,
a necronomic spell, enslaving
A new empire, a dark age world order,
return to rule through aryan mules
Initiates in possession rites,
metatronic hierarchy
Buried the past with tyranny,
the dragon orders drawning the borders
In killing fields as culling yields,
man enslaved by the shadow kingdom

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