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<Where The Darkness Is Praised> album page

The Pain Will Only Grow

A feeling of a sinister presence
In a cold lair
Where there is no life
Just merciless torture

Lying there waiting in pain
Screaming, crying, pain unbearable
The pain will only grow
The torture will continue

Blood will flow, on and on
The handle will be turned more and more
The crackles will get louder
The screams will become more piercing

Your flesh is ripping
Your vision is going
You struggle breathing
Your eyes are nearly out of their sockets

Darkness has filled all space
The light completely gone
Lying there dreading even more
As the handle continues to turn

More and more, it turns
More and more, the pain gets worse
More and more, the screams go on
More and more, death comes closer

More and more...

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