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Os Senhores Da Guerra

Os Senhores Da Guerra (The War Lords)
(Originally performed by MADREDEUS)

La fora estao os | Outside I hear the war
senhores da guerra | lords
E cantam ja hinos de | Already they sing hymns of
vitoria | victory
Qual e a historia desta | What's the history of this
terra? | earth?
E o medo, ali mesmo | It's fear, that's it

Ca dentro estao os | And here are the men
homens a espera | waiting
Unidos no destino da | United in the destiny of
terra | the earth
Ja nao ha memoria de | No one remembers a time of
paz na terra | peace
E o medo, ali mesmo | It's fear, that's it

O terra, Mais um dia a | O Earth, One more day is
nascer | rising
Ai, e menos um dia a | And we can't lose it
morrer | It's so little the glory
E tao pouca a gloria | of a war
duma guerra | And the Mongers of war
E os homens que as | making it, without
fazem sem vitorias | victories
Ja nao ha memoria, de | No one remembers peace
paz na terra | anymore
E o medo, ali mesmo | It's fear, that's it

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