<Dizchu> page
<Past Tense> album page


You fled and left smoldering ruin in your wake
the taste of the air remains acrid and vile
consider your mass-produced irreverent frivolity
as everything dies and withers away

All the tones desaturated
all the colours burned
we live in skeletal remains
and now you return

Your foresight was hindered by an insatiable desire for more
enough is never enough even when there is nothing to give
your arrogance eventually led to bloodthirst, genocide and war
you wanted to conquer when the rest of us just wanted to live

The warmth of the sun departed long ago
when you ignited the sky
it wept tears of ash across this barren tundra
mourning our world's demise

Don't act surprised by the consequences of your excess

You must live with the deeds you've done
how could you annihilate our only home?
You only saw apparent worth
after you destroyed the Earth

Don't you apologise
for the mess that you've left us with
don't you apologise
your chance ended long ago

And we don't welcome you back

All the tones desaturated
all the colours burned
we live in skeletal remains
and now you return

Your foresight was hindered by an insatiable desire for more
enough is never enough even if there is nothing to give
your arrogance eventually led to bloodthirst, genocide and war
you wanted to conquer when the rest of us just wanted to live

The warmth of the sun departed long ago
when you ignited the sky
it wept tears of ash across this barren tundra
mourning our world's demise

Don't act surprised by the consequences of your excess

You must live with the deeds you've done
how could you annihilate our only home?
You only saw apparent worth
after you destroyed the...


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