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Give Him A Flower

You're lying in your bath one day and looking at your toes
And sixty policemen burst in through the door
Don't you know it's an offence to strike a public pose?
'Cause even bathrooms ain't not private anymore
"'Cause we're all here lookin' at ya, ain't we?"

Give him a flower
Give him a flower
Give him a flower
Give him a flower

If you're lying, with your girlfriend, on the sunny esplanade
And an eight stone bully kicks sand in your face
And pours all your suntan lotion into your lemonade
And takes your girl and also takes your place
"Don't hit 'im wiv a bottle"
"What should I do?"

Give him a flower
Give him a flower
Give him a flower
Give him a flower

When you're driving on the M1 in your 1920 Ford
Without tax or MOT or any brakes
And you're banned from driving, late and you reverse into a truck
And the driver is the same eight stone bully who kicked sand in your face in the last verse

Give him a flower
Give him a flower
Give him a flower
Give him a flower

Roses, rhododendrons, lilies, snowdrops
"Deadly nightshade"
Violet, ..., tulips, love-in-a-mist
Fuschias, Michaelmas daisies, dahlias, bluebells
"Vesuvian flytraps"
Cowslips, dandelions, forget-me-nots
"Poison ivy petals"

Give him a flower
Give him a flower
Give him a flower
Give him a flower

"I think you really ought to hit him in the head with a bicycle chain"
No, no, give him a flower
"I think you ought to give him the old boot, eh?"
Give him a flower
"I think you should sorta throw bricks at him, eh?"
"And push him downstairs"

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