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Death in Two Tongues

[Lyrics: D.L.]
Vyhýbám se sladkosti v hloupé víře,
že z toho vznikne strpění hrůz života –
takhle to dělá každý na celém světě

Ale naše falešné jedy a zdánlivé utrpení
Nás nikdy nepřipraví na strašně skutečnou hrozbu,
Která nás čeká za rohy smrtelné existence

Zná dobře trpkost,
Ta však existuje ve sféře mimo chuťových pohárků
My lidé ji známe jako smrt,
Živá vědomost mrtvé nevědomosti

Nejhořčejší pravda ze všech

[Lyrics: Metal Archives]
I tried adding PTH and I would consider them a metal band (although not purely heavy metal), and found they were on the black list? Why is this? It seems unreasonable to me that a band of this caliber would be left off this site.

Looking for fast, noisy and above all RIFFY death metal in the vein of Degial, Vorum's "Current Mouth" EP and/or Obliteration's...

[Lyrics: Alexandre Ferland]
Hat prices are at an all time low
Grandmothers no longer exist
Sodomy's free with every sandwich trio
Conversation considered retro

Shifty-eyed slugs wearing human skin want our bones
Old school parasites went extinct
Now they feed on bellyfuls of stress
The dogs bark in street slang
The kids are all sizzling on the sidewalk
No one speaks to each other anymore
Except the man who shouted into my face
He said it was the apocalypse

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