<Pandemonium (POL)> page
<Hellspawn> album page


Upsided cross surrounded by darkest evil
Unholy blood
External invader makes me stronger
One by one erasers now unleash the hell...
...The pure glory is near of antichrist
Slowly bleeding heart hateful painful
Sting of depression is so deep
Confesses that nameless place
Labyrinth incomplete
Tomorrow with no existence
Unholy frost everlasting for god delusion of the man
One by one erasers now unleash the hell...
...The pure glory is near of antichrist
Don't speak don't feel don't see me
And don't try to create my visions
You christian usurper
Upsided cross surrounded by darkest evil
Unholy blood
External invader makes me stronger
One by one erasers
Now unleashed the hell...
...The pure glory is near of antichrist

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