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No Bad Thing

Marné žít, kolik lidí vzalo sobì život svùj
dobøe víš, slova nazahojí duši zlomenou.

Nenajdou klid, kam odchází duše neví nikdo z nás
ve chvíli poslední chtìjí zùstat, chtìli být bez nás.

Zùstanou navždy jenom v srdcích tìch co milujou
neodsoudìj, na život i na smrt èlovìk právo má.

Ne - život nevrátí
co jednou vzal.

Ne, pøece není marné žít
a vše dobré co zanecháš
po tobì zùstavá
ne, pøece není marné žít
život nedá co ti vzal
a pøece krásným zùstává
i když život nedá co ti vzal
pøece krásným zùstává.


You know life, how many have gone before
and left us here?
Is it wrong, broken lives on borrowed time
For so long

No-one knows, find no peace 'til you know how
that river flows
Gauntlet's thrown, ask for help, but in the end
you're on your own

Always there, eternity remembers
those no longer here
Don't judge death, everyone has got the right
to one last breath

No, it is for ever
He takes for ever

No, to live your life is no bad thing
Leave a mark in things you do
In everything you do
No, to live your life is no bad thing
What you destroy's forever gone
No resurrection, it's all gone

No, to live your life is no bad thing
Leave a mark in things you do
In everything you do
No, to live your life is no bad thing
And when there's no more giving back
Then life is full of wonder

To live your life is no bad thing
Don't throw it all away
Don't throw it all away

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