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<Freevil Burning> album page

Live The Lie

If you can live a life without wondering
What the fuck is the reason we exist
I say I'm jealous, I'm so envious
Like those small things you seem to like
All those tiny things, I wonder are you
Really sane? I mean in the brain?
Every morning is a glory in your world
A world of passionate worship of shit

Divine life? I live in hell!
Why don't you see what I see clear?

Maybe it's because I know too much?
Maybe it's because I am depressed?
Medicated world, self destructive hate

Life in darkness, lack of empathy
Medicated, self destructive hate and despair
As a shadow I turn inside and watch the crowd
Eternally emotions killing me...

From my point of view you are a whore
A manipulated slave with no will
But still I'm jealous, I'm really envious
'cause if I didn't know what I do know
Everything would be as easy as for you
I'm still in hell...
Why don't you see what I see clear?

Maybe it's because I think too much?
Maybe it's because I can't find the way?
Roams in darkness, emotional spree

From your point of view I am insane, but who's insane?
Those who plays the daily game or me with my crazy brain?
When you are dead and gone nothing will remain
So tell me now if you even can think for yourself
Who the fuck is insane?

Emotional killing spree within my soul
I'm overexposed and analyzed
Please help me up I want to be as you
I cannot find the key to this insane world
But still I'm here to live in total darkness

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