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<Anthology II> album page

Beyond The Sky

«Because I understand what the word “son” means, as father... Priest... I love you so, but I cannot lie to my feelings and many are made of sorrow. I have a home, a name... even a fate... but... I am not sure where my place is. Sometimes, I remember no home, no name, no fate... I only feel a heart full of empty spaces
Because I understand what the word “son” means... there is a mother I dream of now... and I... I ignore what I can feel when I touch her shadow.
I know that you give me your home, your name, your fate... Priest... You give me all you can, nevertheless... Priest... when I think about her home, her name, her fate... I would give all... for only one remains in my memories.»
«This morning, I asked you a question. It was: “How can I fly if my roots are only lies?” You tell me that rooted men are those who never fly beyond the sky... Beyond the sky? Beyond the lies... So what mean my dreams, flying away, out of the world? I feel the need to know where I come from and where I have to go. I really feel the need to find, by travelling the world, my mind...»
«My dreams flew away the world!»
«Who am I? Tell me the truth! Stop the lie! Where shall I go with all the things you want me to know? You say nothing... Leave me alone, I am not your son!»

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